Detersivi Scala candeggina classica 4L

Dirt makes you raise a white flag

Oh, the colour of peace, purity and brightness. White is so pure and delicate that it needs to be protected from any stain that wants to soil it. To do so, let me introduce you to a fantastic ally: classic bleach. Chlorine bleach whitens, removes stains and sanitises laundry and all washable surfaces.

Whichever format you choose, it will be handy and ergonomic with a child-safe cap.

Available in the following formats: 1000 ml, 2500 ml, 4000 ml.

Do you want to know why it’s so effective?

Click here and discover the ingredients by inserting the EAN code.

EAN Code for the 1000 ml format: 8006130503031

EAN Code for the 2500 ml format: 8006130501990

EAN Code for the 4000 ml format: 8006130503567